Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2015, Vol. 5 Issue (3) : 111-127     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-015-0060-8
Review |
Sugar Derivatives of Morphine: A New Window for the Development of Potent Anesthetic Drugs
Shyamal K. Jash1, Dilip Gorai2
1. Department of Chemistry, Saldiha College(Affiliated to the University of Burdwan), Saldiha, Bankura 722 173, West Bengal, India;
2. Department of Chemistry, Kulti College(Affiliated to the University of Burdwan), Kulti, Burdwan 713 343, West Bengal, India
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Abstract  This review provides a short account of carbohydrate derivatives of an important natural drug, morphine, along with their comparative efficacies as anesthetic agent. Sugar derivatives are found to have more prospect as anesthetic drug than morphine itself owing to their enhanced bioavailability. Synthetic schemes of these sugar derivatives and information on related patents are also included in this manuscript.
Keywords Morphine      Morphine glycosides      Synthesis      Bioavailability      Anesthetic agents      Related patents     
Issue Date: 11 February 2018
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Shyamal K. Jash
Dilip Gorai
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Shyamal K. Jash,Dilip Gorai. Sugar Derivatives of Morphine: A New Window for the Development of Potent Anesthetic Drugs[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2015, 5(3): 111-127.
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