Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2012, Vol. 2 Issue (3) : 121-125     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-012-0019-y
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Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids from Alstonia rostrata
Mei-Fen BAOa,c, Chun-Xia ZENGb, Yan QUa, Ling-Mei KONGa, Ya-Ping LIUa, Xiang-Hai CAIa, Xiao-Dong LUOa
a State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China;
b Southwest China Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China;
c Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
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Abstract  Four new monoterpenoid indole alkaloids, alstrostines C-F together with thirteen known alkaloids were isolated from the leaves and twigs of Alstonia rostrata. All structures of new compounds were elucidated based on NMR, FTIR, UV, and MS spectroscopic data. Alstrostines C-E might originate from keto-enol tautomerism of preakummicine during biogenetic pathway of akummicine.
Keywords monoterpenoid indole alkaloid      alstrostines C-F      Alstonia rostrata      Apocynaceae     
Fund:This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(21172225, 31170334), the 973 Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of China(2009CB522300), the XiBuZhiGuang Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Young Academic and Technical Leader Raising Foundation of Yunnan Province(No. 2010CI049).
Issue Date: 11 February 2018
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Mei-Fen BAO
Chun-Xia ZENG
Yan QU
Ling-Mei KONG
Ya-Ping LIU
Xiang-Hai CAI
Xiao-Dong LUO
Cite this article:   
Mei-Fen BAO,Chun-Xia ZENG,Yan QU, et al. Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids from Alstonia rostrata[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2012, 2(3): 121-125.
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