Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2014, Vol. 4 Issue (5) : 257-270     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-014-0038-y
Endophytes as Producers of Peptides: An Overview About the Recently Discovered Peptides from Endophytic Microbes
Muna Ali Abdalla1, Josphat C. Matasyoh2
1. Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, 13314 Shambat, Khartoum North, Sudan;
2. Department of Chemistry, Egerton University, P. O. Box 536, Egerton, Kenya
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Abstract  An endophyte is a fungus or bacterium that lives within a plant in a symbiotic relationship. Extensive colonization of the plant tissue by endophytes creates a barrier effect, where they outcompete and prevent pathogenic organisms from taking hold. This happens by producing secondary metabolites that inhibit the growth of the competitors or pathogens. In this way they play a very important role in the plant defence mechanisms. The metabolites produced by these endophytes fall within a wide range of classes of compounds that include peptides which are the focus of this review. Peptides are increasingly being selected for drug development because they are specific for their targets and have a higher degree of interactions. There have been quite a number of endophytic peptides reported in the recent past indicating that endophytes can be used for the production of peptide based drugs. Molecular screening for NRPS, which shows peptide producing capability, has also shown that endophytes are potential producers of peptides. The presence of NRPS also offers the possibility of genetic modifications which may generate peptides with high pharmacological activities. This review, therefore, aims to show the current status of peptides isolated from endophytic bacteria and fungi in the recent decade. Endophytes as potential sources of peptides according to NRPS studies will also be discussed.
Keywords Peptides      Endophytes      NRPS      Bioactivities      Genetic engineering     
Fund:We thank the German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD), for the PHD grants and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, for the Georg Forster Postdoctoral fellowships to the authors.
Issue Date: 11 February 2018
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Muna Ali Abdalla
Josphat C. Matasyoh
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Muna Ali Abdalla,Josphat C. Matasyoh. Endophytes as Producers of Peptides: An Overview About the Recently Discovered Peptides from Endophytic Microbes[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2014, 4(5): 257-270.
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