Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2024, Vol. 14 Issue (1) : 5-5     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-023-00419-7
Eco-friendly approaches to phytochemical production: elicitation and beyond
Kritika Jalota1, Vikas Sharma1, Chiti Agarwal2, Suruchi Jindal1
1. Division of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, School of Bioengineering and Biosciences, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, 144411, India;
2. Washington State University, Pullman, USA
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Abstract  Highly ameliorated phytochemicals from plants are recognized to have numerous beneficial effects on human health. However, obtaining secondary metabolites directly from wild plants is posing a great threat to endangered plant species due to their over exploitation. Moreover, due to complicated structure and stereospecificity chemical synthesis of these compounds is a troublesome procedure. As a result, sustainable and ecofriendly in vitro strategy has been adopted for phytochemicals production. But, lack of fully differentiated cells lowers down cultured cells productivity. Consequently, for enhancing yield of metabolites produced by cultured plant cells a variety of methodologies has been followed one such approach includes elicitation of culture medium that provoke stress responses in plants enhancing synthesis and storage of bioactive compounds. Nevertheless, for conclusive breakthrough in synthesizing bioactive compounds at commercial level in-depth knowledge regarding metabolic responses to elicitation in plant cell cultures is needed. However, technological advancement has led to development of molecular based approaches like metabolic engineering and synthetic biology which can serve as promising path for phytochemicals synthesis. This review article deals with classification, stimulating effect of elicitors on cultured cells, parameters of elicitors and action mechanism in plants, modern approaches like metabolic engineering for future advances.
Keywords In-vitro system      Abiotic/biotic elicitors      Plant secondary metabolites      Metabolic engineering      CRISPR-Cas     
Fund:No funding has been obtained for this work.
Corresponding Authors: Suruchi Jindal,     E-mail:
Issue Date: 19 February 2024
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Kritika Jalota
Vikas Sharma
Chiti Agarwal
Suruchi Jindal
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Kritika Jalota,Vikas Sharma,Chiti Agarwal, et al. Eco-friendly approaches to phytochemical production: elicitation and beyond[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2024, 14(1): 5-5.
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