Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2022, Vol. 12 Issue (6) : 37-37     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-022-00353-0
The ion balance of Shotokuseki extract promotes filaggrin fragmentation and increases amino acid production and pyrrolidone carboxylic acid content in three-dimensional cultured human epidermis
Kei Tsukui1,2, Takuya Kakiuchi3, Masamitsu Suzuki3, Hidetomo Sakurai3, Yoshihiro Tokudome1,2,4
1 Laboratory of Cosmetic Sciences, Graduate School of Advanced Health Sciences, Saga University, 1 Honjo, Saga 840-8502, Japan;
2 Laboratory of Dermatological Physiology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Josai University, 1-1 Keyakidai, Sakado, Saitama 350-0295, Japan;
3 Zeria Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 10-11 Nihonbashi, Kobuna-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8351, Japan;
4 Laboratory of Cosmetic Sciences, Regional Innovation Center, Saga University, 1 Honjo, Saga 840-8502, Japan
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Abstract  Natural moisturizing factor (NMF) in the stratum corneum contributes to the retention of moisture there. The purpose of this study was to determine the penetration of ions in Shotokuseki extract (SE) into the three-dimensional cultured epidermis and the effect of NMF on the biosynthesis of amino acids and pyrrolidone carboxylic acid formation. Various ions, amino acids and pyrrolidone carboxylic acid were quantified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, fully automatic amino acid analyzer or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in three-dimensional cultured epidermis after application of SE. Gene expression levels of profilaggrin, calpain1, caspase14, and bleomycin hydrolase, which are involved in NMF production, were determined by reverse-transcription qPCR and bleomycin hydrolase activity was determined by aminopeptidase assay. The application of SE increased Na, K, Mg, Ca, Al, and Fe levels in three-dimensional cultured epidermis. The mRNA levels of the starting material of amino acid synthesis proflaggrin, and calpain1 and bleomycin hydrolase, which are involved in its fragmentation, increased. The activity of bleomycin hydrolase also increased. Furthermore, the levels of amino acids and pyrrolidone carboxylic acid increased in the three-dimensional cultured epidermis. This suggests that the ionic composition of SE may be involved in its moisturizing efect on the stratum corneum.
Keywords Shotokuseki extract, Epidermis, Amino acid, Pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, Ion, Gene expression     
Corresponding Authors: Yoshihiro Tokudome, E-mail:     E-mail:
Issue Date: 23 December 2022
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Kei Tsukui
Takuya Kakiuchi
Masamitsu Suzuki
Hidetomo Sakurai
Yoshihiro Tokudome
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Kei Tsukui,Takuya Kakiuchi,Masamitsu Suzuki, et al. The ion balance of Shotokuseki extract promotes filaggrin fragmentation and increases amino acid production and pyrrolidone carboxylic acid content in three-dimensional cultured human epidermis[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2022, 12(6): 37-37.
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