Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2017, Vol. 7 Issue (6) : 433-443     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-017-0142-x
Computational Analysis of Artimisinin Derivatives on the Antitumor Activities
Hui Liu, Xingyong Liu, Li Zhang
School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, Zigong, China
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Abstract  The study on antitumor activities of artemisinin and its derivatives has been closely focused on in recent years. Herein, 2D and 3D QSAR analysis was performed on the basis of a series of artemisinin derivatives with known bioactivities against the non-small-cell lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells. Four QSAR models were successfully established by CoMSIA, CoMFA, topomer CoMFA and HQSAR approaches with respective characteristic values q2=0.567, R2=0.968, ONC=5; q2=0.547, R2=0.980, ONC=7; q2=0.559, R2=0.921, ONC=7 and q2=0.527, R2=0.921, ONC=6. The predictive ability of CoMSIA with r2=0.991 is the best one compared with the other three approaches, such as CoMFA (r2=0.787), topomer CoMFA (r2=0.819) and HQSAR (r2=0.743). The final QSAR models can provide guidance in structural modification of artemisinin derivatives to improve their anticancer activities.
Keywords QSAR      CoMFA      CoMSIA      Topomer CoMFA      HQSAR      Artemisinin     
Fund:We gratefully thank financial assistance from the Science and Technology Innovation Talent Project of Sichuan province (Grant Number 2016073).
Corresponding Authors: Hui Liu     E-mail:
Issue Date: 09 December 2017
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Hui Liu
Xingyong Liu
Li Zhang
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Hui Liu,Xingyong Liu,Li Zhang. Computational Analysis of Artimisinin Derivatives on the Antitumor Activities[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2017, 7(6): 433-443.
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