Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2017, Vol. 7 Issue (4) : 299-305     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-017-0132-z
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Improvement of Fermented Fish Flour Quality Using Essential Oil Extracted From Fresh Leaves of Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Moore
Euloge S. Adjou, René G. Dègnon, Edwige Dahouenon-Ahoussi, Mohamed M. Soumanou, Dominique C. K. Sohounhloue
Laboratory of Research and Study in Applied Chemistry, Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of AbomeyCalavi, 01, P. O. B:2009, Cotonou, Bénin
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Abstract  The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the essential oil extracted from fresh leaves of Pimenta racemosa in the improvement of fermented fish flour producing technology. Essential oil of Pimenta racemosa was extracted by hydrodistillation and its chemical composition was determined by GC and GC/MS. Different types of fermented fish flours from Lesser African Threadfin (Galeoides decadactylus) were produced by the modification of the traditional processing technology and the introduction of a step of essential oil adjunction during the process. Three different essential oil concentrations (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 lL g-1) were investigated. Physicochemical, microbiological and nutritional analyzes were performed in order to evaluate the quality of the fermented fish flour produced. Results obtained revealed that the essential oil of Pimenta racemosa investigated has a chemical composition characterized by the presence of myrcene (25.1%), chavicol (7.5%) and eugenol (51.1%). Fermented fish flour produced have a good nutritional potential. However, on the microbiological level, only samples produced by adjunction of essential oil have a low level of microbial contamination, with an absence of pathogenic microorganisms.
Keywords Essential oil      Pimenta racemosa      Galeoides decadactylus      Fermented fish      Process      Benin     
Fund:The authors are grateful to the Food Engineering Technology Department of Polytechnic School of AbomeyCalavi University (UAC) for their financial support.
Issue Date: 07 February 2018
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Articles by authors
Euloge S. Adjou
René G. Dègnon
Edwige Dahouenon-Ahoussi
Mohamed M. Soumanou
Dominique C. K. Sohounhloue
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Euloge S. Adjou,René G. Dègnon,Edwige Dahouenon-Ahoussi, et al. Improvement of Fermented Fish Flour Quality Using Essential Oil Extracted From Fresh Leaves of Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Moore[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2017, 7(4): 299-305.
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