Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2012, Vol. 2 Issue (4) : 138-144     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-011-0044-2
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Cucurbitane triterpenoids from Hemsleya penxianensis
Jian-Chao CHENa, Lin ZHOUa, Yun-Hua WANGb, Ren-Rong TIANb, Yun-Xin YANa, Yin NIANa, Yun SUNa, Yong-Tang ZHENGb, Ming-Hua QIUa
a State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China;
b Laboratory of Molecular Immunopharmacology, Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650223, China
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Abstract  Two new cucurbitacins, jinfushanencins A(1) and B(2), seven new cucurbitane glycosides, jinfushanosides E-K(3-9), along with nine known analogues, were obtained from the tubers of Hemsleya penxianensis. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of extensive spectroscopic and chemical methods. Selected isolates were tested their anti-HIV-1 activities, and compound 5 showed weak anti-HIV-1 in C8166 cell(EC50=5.9 μg/mL) with a selectivity index of 13.5.
Keywords cucurbitane triterpenoid      jinfushanencin      jinfushanoside      Hemsleya penxianensis     
Fund:This work was financially supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province(2008CD158), the Western Doctoral Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences(J. C. Chen), the Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences(P2008ZZ23, P2010ZZ14), and the Cooperative Project of Guangdong Province and CAS(2009B091300135).
Issue Date: 11 February 2018
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Jian-Chao CHEN
Yun-Hua WANG
Ren-Rong TIAN
Yun-Xin YAN
Yong-Tang ZHENG
Ming-Hua QIU
Cite this article:   
Jian-Chao CHEN,Lin ZHOU,Yun-Hua WANG, et al. Cucurbitane triterpenoids from Hemsleya penxianensis[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2012, 2(4): 138-144.
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