Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2020, Vol. 10 Issue (2) : 105-108     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-020-00238-0
Partial Synthesis of Crassicauline A from Yunaconitine
Rong-Ping Zhang1,2, Yan-Jun Lin2, Hao-Fei Yu2, Si-Ying Chen3, Jun Zhou3
1 Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, Kunming, China;
2 Kunming Medical University, Kunming, China;
3 Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, China
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Abstract  Both Aconitum hemsleyanum and Aconitum geniculatun have abundant contents of yunaconitine (1). Yunaconitine (1) has similar skeleton to crassicauline A (3); the only difference between them is that 1 contains a α-hydroxyl group at C-3. Our team attempts to convert 1 into 3 because 3 owns pharmacological activity. There are two steps to achieve the transformation above:firstly, use dehydration reaction to transform yunaconitine (1) into dehydroyunaconitine (2); secondly, use hydrogen reduction to acquire crassicauline A (3). Compared with other methods, this one below is more suitable for production application and more concise; moreover, the cost is lower with higher yield.
Keywords Diterpenoid alkaloids      Yunaconitine      Crassicauline A     
Fund:The authors appreciate the members at Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science for measuring the spectroscopic data and the members of Yunnan toxic medicinal plants research team for picking and treatment of pharmaceutical raw materials. This work was supported by "YunLing Scholars" project (2020HC008).
Corresponding Authors: Jun Zhou     E-mail:
Issue Date: 06 May 2020
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Rong-Ping Zhang
Yan-Jun Lin
Hao-Fei Yu
Si-Ying Chen
Jun Zhou
Cite this article:   
Rong-Ping Zhang,Yan-Jun Lin,Hao-Fei Yu, et al. Partial Synthesis of Crassicauline A from Yunaconitine[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2020, 10(2): 105-108.
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