Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2019, Vol. 9 Issue (4) : 267-278     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-019-0215-0
Eminence of Microbial Products in Cosmetic Industry
Prabhuddha L. Gupta1, Mahendrapalsingh Rajput1, Tejas Oza1, Ujwalkumar Trivedi1, Gaurav Sanghvi1
Department of Microbiology, Marwadi University, Rajkot 360001, India
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Abstract  Cosmetology is the developing branch of science, having direct impact on the society. The cosmetic sector is interested in finding novel biological alternatives which can enhance the product attributes as well as it can substitute chemical compounds. Many of the compounds are having biological origin and are acquire from bacteria, fungi, and algae. A range of biological compounds, like bio-surfactant, vitamins, antioxidants, pigments, enzymes, peptides have promising features and beneficial properties. Moreover, these products can be produced commercially with ease. The review will encompass the importance and use of microbial compounds for new cosmetic formulations as well as products associated with it.
Keywords Cosmetics      Microbiology      Biosurfactants      Formulations      Cyclodextrin      Emulsions     
Fund:Authors are thankful to Marwadi University, for providing necessary infrastructure and facility.
Corresponding Authors: Gaurav Sanghvi     E-mail:,
Issue Date: 09 August 2019
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Prabhuddha L. Gupta
Mahendrapalsingh Rajput
Tejas Oza
Ujwalkumar Trivedi
Gaurav Sanghvi
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Prabhuddha L. Gupta,Mahendrapalsingh Rajput,Tejas Oza, et al. Eminence of Microbial Products in Cosmetic Industry[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2019, 9(4): 267-278.
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