Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2014, Vol. 4 Issue (5) : 277-283     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-014-0034-2
A New Gastroprotective Effect of Limonoid Compounds Xyloccensins X and Y from Xylocarpus Molluccensis in Rats
Vijai Lakshmi1, Vaibhav Mishra2, Gautam Palit2
1. Division of Medicinal and Process Chemistry, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow 226001, UP, India;
2. Division of Pharmacology, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow 226001, UP, India
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Abstract  Gastric ulcer is a very common gastrointestinal disorder affecting a large number of people worldwide. It arises due to an imbalance between aggressive(acid, pepsin and Helicobacter pylori infection) and protective(mucin secretion, prostaglandin, epidermal growth factors and bicarbonate) factors in the stomach. In this study, the gastroprotective activity has been investigated of the active constituents from Xylocarpus molluccensis. Antiulcer activity of xyloccensins X+Y was investigated and found to be active in various ulcer models in Sprague-Dawley(SD) rats. To understand the mechanism of action of active constituent of natural products, the effects of the compounds on antisecretory and cytoprotective activities were studied. Air dried fruits were extracted with ethanol and fractionated into four fractions. Xyloccensins X+Y were isolated from the active fraction and was tested against different ulcer models. Xyloccensins X+Y were found to possess anti-ulcerogenic activity. The antiulcer activity might be due to its anti-secretory activity and subsequent strengthening of the defensive mechanism. The present study has helped us in identifying a new lead in the form of xyloccensins that could be exploited in the treatment of gastric ulcer disease.
Keywords Gastric ulcer      Xyloccensins X+Y      Antiulcerogenic activity     
Fund:Financial assistance by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, New Delhi, India is gratefully acknowledged. The author(VL) Emeritus Scientist ship and Vaibhav Mishra, Senior research fellow gratefully acknowledge HRDG, CSIR, New Delhi for providing financial support which helped in compiling this work. Thanks are also due to Dr. M. N. Srivastava for collection of plant.
Issue Date: 11 February 2018
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Vijai Lakshmi
Vaibhav Mishra
Gautam Palit
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Vijai Lakshmi,Vaibhav Mishra,Gautam Palit. A New Gastroprotective Effect of Limonoid Compounds Xyloccensins X and Y from Xylocarpus Molluccensis in Rats[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2014, 4(5): 277-283.
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