Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2018, Vol. 8 Issue (5) : 335-346     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-018-0186-6
Fruits as Prospective Reserves of bioactive Compounds: A Review
Marines Marli Gniech Karasawa1, Chakravarthi Mohan2
1 Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Palermo University, Palermo, Italy;
2 Department of Genetics and Evolution, Federal University of Saõ Carlos, Saõ Carlos, SP, Brazil
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Abstract  Bioactive natural products have always played a significant role as novel therapeutical agents irrespective of their source of origin. They have a profound effect on human health by both direct and indirect means and also possess immense medicinal properties. Fruit species are largely appreciated and highly consumed throughout the world. Epidemiologic information supports the association between high intake of fruits and low risk of chronic diseases. There are several biological reasons why the consumption of fruits might reduce or prevent chronic diseases. Fruits are rich sources of nutrients and energy, have vitamins, minerals, fiber and numerous other classes of biologically active compounds. Moreover, parts of the fruit crops like fruit peels, leaves and barks also possess medicinal properties and have been included in this review. The most important activities discussed in this review include antidiabetic, anticancer, antihypertensive, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, stimulation of the immune system, cell detoxification, cholesterol synthesis, anticonvulsant and their ability to lower blood pressure. Several phytochemicals involved in this context are described with special emphasis on their structural properties and their relativity with human diseases.
Keywords Anticancer      Antioxidant      Bioactive compounds      Flavones      Fruits      Medicinal uses     
Fund:MGK is thankful to the Palermo University for all support provided during her stay and research and to the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq) for the postdoctoral grant (Proc. 237072/2012-2). CM is grateful to the Saõ Paulo State Research Foundation for the postdoctoral grant (FAPESP Proc. 2015/10855-9). The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive suggestions.
Corresponding Authors: Chakravarthi Mohan     E-mail:
Issue Date: 19 September 2018
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Marines Marli Gniech Karasawa
Chakravarthi Mohan
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Marines Marli Gniech Karasawa,Chakravarthi Mohan. Fruits as Prospective Reserves of bioactive Compounds: A Review[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2018, 8(5): 335-346.
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