Natural Products and Bioprospecting    2018, Vol. 8 Issue (1) : 1-21     DOI: 10.1007/s13659-017-0151-9
Cannabinomimetric Lipids: From Natural Extract to Artificial Synthesis
Ya-Ru Gao, Yong-Qiang Wang
Key Laboratory of Synthetic and Natural Functional Molecule Chemistry of Ministry of Education, Department of Chemistry & Materials Science, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, People's Republic of China
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Abstract  Endocannabinoid system is related with various physiological and cognitive processes including fertility, pregnancy, during pre-and postnatal development, pain-sensation, mood, appetite, and memory. In the latest decades, an important milestone concerning the endocannabinoid system was the discovery of the existence of the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. Anandamide was the first reported endogenous metabolite, which adjusted the release of some neurotransmitters through binding to the CB1 or CB2 receptors. Then a series of cannabinomimetric lipids were extracted from marine organisms, which possessed similar structure with anandamide. This review will provide a short account about cannabinomimetric lipids for their extraction and synthesis.
Keywords Endocannabinoid      Cannabinoid receptors      Cannabinomimetric lipids     
Corresponding Authors: Yong-Qiang Wang     E-mail:
Issue Date: 27 February 2018
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Ya-Ru Gao
Yong-Qiang Wang
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Ya-Ru Gao,Yong-Qiang Wang. Cannabinomimetric Lipids: From Natural Extract to Artificial Synthesis[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2018, 8(1): 1-21.
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